Thursday, October 21, 2010

  1. : Do you play games in your free time?yes 
  2. Which ones do you play and why are they your favorite?call of duty
  3.  Does Globaloria give you a new perspective about playing games? Why or why not? yes because i did  not how to do it.

Monday, October 11, 2010


Deer are the only animal with antlers.  They are the fastest growing living tissue on earth.  Antlers are usually on males.  Moose have the largest antlers.  Antlers grow from spring until fall.  With growing, antlers are covered with soft tissue known as velvet. This tissue contains a network of nerves and blood vessels and very sensitive. In the fall the velvet is shed and the antlers shed not be confused with horns.  Horns never shed and continue to grow throughout the animal life. If they are broken they will not grow back. Deer have a good night vision which is useful in the earl morning and near dusk. Deer are members of the order artiodactyls which mean that they have hoofs with an even number of toes. Deer can be found around the world. They are native to all continents except for Australia and Antarctica.